Instructors by Method

The Diocese of St. Augustine requires every couple getting married in the diocese, of child-bearing age, to complete a full course of NFP instruction.

A full-course of instruction includes an introductory session as well as several follow-up sessions. Classes are not offered by the diocese directly but through independent instructors. You will need to contact the instructors for more information about schedules or cost.

Information provided at Pre Cana and Engaged Encounter does not satisfy the requirement.

Instructor by Method

Billings Ovulation Method

Based on fifty years of ongoing research, Billings is the “pioneer’ method of modern NFP instruction. Most known for its ease of use, it is taught and used in more than 120 countries around the world. Couples taught this method by sisters in Mother Teresa’s order achieved a 99.4% effectiveness rate in a study by the World Health Organization.

Billings Method™ utilizes observation of the woman’s cervical mucus.

Instruction is done in individual or group setting. Fees vary depending on teacher and scope of service.

Patricia Kuhlman, RN, BSN and Dr. Peter D. Kuhlman
Ponte Vedra Beach
(904) 285-7130

Susan Miller
(904) 860-6397

Dr. Marie and William Schretzmann
Lake City
(386) 867-5088

David and Marcela Medina
(Spanish and English)
Palm Coast
(386) 503-9089

Yesenia Williams
(Spanish and English)
(904) 370-3022
Can also be found at

Additional details about the Billings Ovulation Method® can be found at the following website:

Catholic Women and Couples NFP

Catholic Women and Couples NFP (CWCNFP) is a non-profit organization that provides virtual, cost-free, natural family planning classes to all Catholic women and couples. CWCNFP teachers are certified in Billings method of NFP but can refer you to other instructors through their partnership with MyCatholicDoctor if you prefer a different method of instruction.
Go to to learn more.

Couple to Couple League

Couple to Couple League takes a “grass-roots” approach to NFP instruction – couples teaching couples – and has been taught by and to more couples than any other method. By always involving both the husband and wife, NFP is taught as a way of life, not just as a method to postpone or achieve pregnancy. Classes also include instruction on breast feeding and natural mothering.

CCL utilizes observation of the women’s cervical mucus, basal body temperature and (if desired) changes in cervix.

Couple to Couple League instruction is provided in pre-scheduled group classes held once a month for three consecutive months. Individualized instruction can be arranged, and a correspondence course is also available. There is a small fee which includes a one-year subscription to Family Foundations.

To view class schedules and to register, visit:

Bob and Christine Dobkowski
(352) 400-0103

Wesley and Beth Moody
Orange Park
(662) 549-2575 (cell)
(904) 375-8583 (home)

Additional details about the Couple to Couple League Method can be found at the following website:

Creighton Model

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System featuring NaProTechnology teaches women to track naturally occurring phases of fertility and infertility. This is a natural procreative educational system that can be used to either achieve (up to 80% effective in infertility) or avoid pregnancy (99.5% effective, Journal of Reproductive Medicine). With the help of trained medical professionals this method also can be used for the further evaluation and treatment of hormone imbalance, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, PCOS, infertility, chronic discharges and the effects of stress.

Creighton utilizes observation of the woman’s cervical mucus.

The initial introductory session is free and is provided in a group setting. The eight subsequent private follow-ups occur over one year. Contact instructors for current fees. Payment plans are available.

Amy Karney, FCP
Orange Park
(904) 536-6618

Instruction by appointment

Krista Dettlaff, FCP
Ponte Vedra
(916) 606-7208

Instruction by appointment

Ligeia Damaso, ARNP, FCP
Orlando (Available to give CrMS Introductory and Follow Up Sessions)
(904) 718-1277

Instruction by appointment

Chris Pampo, FCP
(352) 246-7155

Instruction by appointment

Mary Kate Phillips
(314) 221-2111

For more information about The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System visit


Marquette Method

The Marquette Method brings modern technology to NFP by using urine fertility biomarkers to monitor hormone levels. Through monitoring hormone levels and applying researched based protocols, the beginning and end of the fertile window in each cycle is determined and can be utilized to both help women achieve and avoid pregnancy.  While Marquette is known for its use of urinary hormone monitoring, these markers can be utilized with cervical mucus or basal body temperature to meet each woman’s unique needs and empower women to use what works best for them.  Marquette consists of various evidence-based protocols for different phases of fertility, from regular cycles to postpartum to perimenopause.  Marquette is highly effective, with 98-98.4% efficacy in regular cycles (Fehring, R. J., & Schneider, M. (2017). Effectiveness of a natural family planning service program. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 42(1), 43–49.

Marquette is only taught by trained healthcare professionals, such as bachelor-educated nurses or physicians. Class structure and fees can vary by instructor. Class typically consists of three to four sessions with ongoing follow-up and chart review as needed.

Sara Pietrowski, BSN, RN, MMCP (Diocese of Palm Beach)
Virtual instruction and follow-up